Register Family Farm Blog

4 Ways Raw Supports Health And Wellness

Posted by Menadena on

4 Ways Raw Supports Health And Wellness

If you've made a habit of avoiding sugary foods for health reasons, you might want to make an exception for raw honey. Despite raw honey's relatively high sugar content, this minimally processed food offers significant health and wellness benefits, from heightened disease resistance to accelerated healing. A basic understanding of raw honey's blend of nutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory powers can help you decide whether to make it part of your own daily menu. Take a look at four of the ways raw honey can help you recover from physical challenges and maintain your overall wellness. 1. Raw Honey Can Help...

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Taking Care of Our Bees During Winter

Posted by Menadena on

Taking Care of Our Bees During Winter

As we mentioned last time in our last blog post, our bees are overwintering in southern Florida, where they can fatten up on the nectar and high-protein pollen from the Brazilian pepper tree. Of course, we can't just leave them to fend for themselves. There's still a lot of work to be done if we want productive beehives when the spring comes. Robber Bees At the end of the Brazilian Pepper flow, we pulled much of the honey they produced and brought the hives down to just one honey super for storage. We have to move as quickly as possible...

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Overwinter Overtime

Posted by Menadena on

Overwinter Overtime

Winter has finally come to Florida, and it's time for all of our hard work preparing our hives to pay off. Our bees are extra vulnerable at this time, but we've done everything we can for them. The rest is up to them.

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RFF Heading South for the Brazilian Pepper

Posted by Menadena on

RFF Heading South for the Brazilian Pepper

We overwinter our bees in south Florida, where the warmth keeps them active throughout most of the winter months. The initial Brazilian Pepper bloom gives our bees a great head start for the cold months, but we have to monitor them carefully (especially the queens!) to make sure they will survive the winter and thrive in the spring. A good flow here means even our weaker hives should be able to come back and do just fine through the winter.

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Making New Hives

Posted by Menadena on

Making New Hives

The late summer period is one of our least hectic, but most crucial times on Register Family Farm. With nectar production down and bee populations up, we have to focus less on making honey and more on the survivability of our hives. We're introducing new queens and making sure they're correctly mated so that they can lay a good pattern of workers and drones. A mistake here could spell doom for the hive.

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